№ | Omborxona va muzlatkichlar kesimida ma’lumot | | | |
Omborxonalar | | Muzlatkichli omborxona | |
Xo‘jalik sub’ektining nomi | Jumladan | Tashkil etilgan sanasi | Muzlatkichli omborxona joylashgan manzili (MFY, ko‘cha nomi) | Sig‘imi (tonna) | Tashkil etilgan sanasi | Telefon raqami | Geolokatsiyasi (kartada geografik joylashgan joyi) | |
Ombor joylashgan manzili (MFY, ko‘cha nomi) | Sig‘imi (tonna) | |
1 | Provent Aircool Engineering MChJ |
| | | | | 300 | 2018 | (90-327-55-35) | | |
2 | | | | | Sanoatchilar MFY | 80 | 2013 | (99-557-73-37) | Google map | |
3 | For a Sea Foods QK | | | | Sanoatchilar MFY | 500 | 2015 | (91-188-86-66) | Google map | |
4 | Nurli Don MChJ | | | | Sanoatchilar MFY | 500 | 2009 | (99-317-11-88) | Google map | |
5 | “Do‘stlik tomorqa xizmat ko‘rsatish” MChJ | | | | Chinobod MFY | 200 | 2018 | (94-346-41-41) | Google map | |
6 | Dustlik DON AJ | Sanoatchilar MFY | 320 | 2012 | | | | (91-500-01-36) | Google map | |
7 | Nurli DON MChJ | Sanoatchilar MFY | 1575 | 2012 | | | | (72-221-52-52) | Google map | |
8 | | Sanoatchilar MFY | 480 | 2014 | | | | (99-898-56-13) | Google map | |
9 | Dexqon bozori MChJ | Chinobod MFY | 50 | 2012 | | | | (94-577-13-46) | Google map | |
10 | | Sanoatchilar MFY | 50 | 2016 | | | | (97-295-44-38) | Google map | |
11 | “MANAS TOMORQA CHORVA” MChJ | Sartepa MFY | 50 | 2017 | | | | (93-294-80-66) | Google map | |
| Do‘stlik tumani | | 2524 | | | 1580 | | | | |
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